The Crown

The Crown

After long protests with the law, Turkey has obtained the return of a 350 BC crown stolen several years ago.

It was possible to find the crown thanks to Scotland Yard. Murat Aksakallı, 50, a café manager in the Scottish capital, and his partners Ali Sanal and Hakkı Özbey, have contacted officials at Sotheby's and Bonhams auction houses in Edinburgh to find a buyer for the crown. The police then contacted the three Turks claiming to be a buyer and eventually recovered the artifact.

At the time, Mr Aksakallı first denied he had obtained the crown through smuggling: "I inherited it from my grandfather, Fazıl Aksakallı, who died in Çemişgezek. I kept it for years and then forgot it. Then I decided to sell it when my transport companies ran into financial problems. "

Having proven that the crown was a family heirloom, the owner wanted to keep it. However, the Turks did not hear it that way and it was asked that the precious headdress be returned to them. The case was finally brought before the judges and a Scottish court ordered December 2 the return of the crown in Turkey. It should leave Scotland for Turkey in January.

Nikolaz, December 5, 2017

Une ancienne couronne rapatriée en Turquie

Après de longs démêlés avec la justice, la Turquie a obtenu le retour d’une antique couronne dérobée il y a plusieurs années et retrouvée en Ecosse.

La découverte de la coiffe est attribuée à Scotland Yard. Murat Askakalli et deux de ses partenaires qui tiennent un café à Edimbourg, ont été repérés cherchant à vendre la précieuse couronne chez Sotheby’s.

Le principal inculpé déclarait tenir cet artefact de son grand père et vouloir le revendre pour redresser son entreprise. Il avait alors été décidé de laisser la couronne à M. Askakalli.

Cependant, les autorités turques cherchaient activement à récupérer la couronne. Une partie de bras de fer s’est engagée avec la justice, avant que la justice écossaise finisse par décider en ce sens. La coiffe devrait être de retour en Turquie courant janvier.



Turkey Times