What will happen to the DTP?
Wednesday 9 December
What will happen to the DTP?
The Turkish Constitutional Court wants to ban the Democratic Society Party (DTP), which holds twenty-one seats in the Turkish parliament but supports Kurdish rebels.
Since 1984, thousands of people have been killed in incidents mainly located in the south-east of Turkey, where a Kurdish minority lives.
However, for a few years, the Turkish governement and the Prime Minister have been doing their best to grant Kurdish citizens equal rights and put an end to the conflict.
That is why a DTP leader said that if it is banned, it will spoil all the efforts that have been made until now.
The much-awaited verdict is to be delivered by eleven judges.
Source: BBC News:
Une décision attendue
Depuis 1984, environ quarante mille personnes ont été tuées au Sud-Est de la Turquie où des groupes kurdes s'opposent au gouvernement central.
C'est pourquoi la cour constitutionnelle turque désire retirer les vingt-et-un sièges du DTP qui soutient les mouvements rebelles kurdes.
Cependant, depuis quelques années, le premier ministre et le gouvernement souhaiteraient octroyer aux citoyens kurdes les mêmes droits que les autres citoyens turcs afin de mettre un terme au conflit et l'interdiction du DTP gâcherait tous les efforts accomplis jusqu'alors.
La décision des onze juges est très attendue.
Source: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/8401583.stm
What will happen to the DTP?
The Turkish Constitutional Court wants to ban the Democratic Society Party (DTP), which holds twenty-one seats in the Turkish parliament but supports Kurdish rebels.
Since 1984, thousands of people have been killed in incidents mainly located in the south-east of Turkey, where a Kurdish minority lives.
However, for a few years, the Turkish governement and the Prime Minister have been doing their best to grant Kurdish citizens equal rights and put an end to the conflict.
That is why a DTP leader said that if it is banned, it will spoil all the efforts that have been made until now.
The much-awaited verdict is to be delivered by eleven judges.
Source: BBC News:
Une décision attendue
Depuis 1984, environ quarante mille personnes ont été tuées au Sud-Est de la Turquie où des groupes kurdes s'opposent au gouvernement central.
C'est pourquoi la cour constitutionnelle turque désire retirer les vingt-et-un sièges du DTP qui soutient les mouvements rebelles kurdes.
Cependant, depuis quelques années, le premier ministre et le gouvernement souhaiteraient octroyer aux citoyens kurdes les mêmes droits que les autres citoyens turcs afin de mettre un terme au conflit et l'interdiction du DTP gâcherait tous les efforts accomplis jusqu'alors.
La décision des onze juges est très attendue.
Source: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/8401583.stm
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